Friday, December 26, 2008

Susan Sontag in the Snow

I'm still snowed in at my parents' house. It has been snowing again here for a couple of hours even though it's raining in other areas. I have to admit I am experiencing a bit of cabin fever and hope I can get back to my own place tomorrow. I read a bit about Susan Sontag on Wikipedia today. Among other things, I learned that she wrote with a polyphonic voice. So did William Faulkner in "The Sound and the Fury." Sontag also had interesting ideas about photography and its function in society. I am still thinking about her quote.

A Quote

Just read a quote that I want to remember and look into further:

"All forms of serious art and knowledge - in other words, all forms of truth - are suspect and dangerous." Susan Sontag


More later.

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