Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Au Revoir Vieux Carre
This is the last day in New Orleans. It's raining again here, sometimes heavily, with thunder predicted. It's very warm but not uncomfortable. Yesterday, I was shown the Faulkner House Book Shop, which is located off Jackson Square in Pirates Alley. They had some photos and letters of Tennessee posted on the walls. One was typewritten with a handwritten post script requesting the recipients to bring along some seconals when they game to see him. I bought a copy of Gumbo Ya Ya, which is a collection of Louisiana stories and folk tales. They also had a number of first editions by Tennessee. A copy of collected stories entitled "Hard Candy" could be got for $275, less than I might have expected. I was taken to the store by Dr. Charles, a friend of my traveling companion Steve. He came down from Hattiesberg, MS to spend the evening with us. Dr. Charles very generously treated us to a fantastic dinner at Muriels, a restored opulent former residence that is said to be haunted by various spirits.