Monday, April 27, 2009

Many Happy Returns

Last Saturday (April 25th) we celebrated my mother's 70th birthday. We had a party at the Fargher Lake Grange, located about a mile from where my parents live. The party was in two parts--a potluck followed by an open house. I had done a write-up for the local paper, The Reflector, inviting friends and family. Mom also wanted me to invite any of the kids who used to ride her bus when she drove for Battle Ground schools. Turnout for the party was great. I think we had between 125-150 people altogether. There was plenty of food and cake. My mom has a friend who is a clown (literally), who presented her with the red nose she's wearing in the picture. Beside her is one of her former bus riders, one Lucas Witt. Lucas is the son of a former schoolmate of mine, Vivian Witt. Without taking away from affection that Mom had for all of the kids, I will say that Lucas was one of her favorites.

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