Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Blog...

awaits me...I will return soon, soon, soon.

I toast Lisa Groening---she is a VERY GOOD PERSON!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm Up To...

Reading Blood Wedding. Exciting!

Working on articles for Japanese study books.

Rating TOEFL tests online -accidentally missed a shift yesterday!

Neglecting Blog...

Got cast in Imago play. "Cinder" has been dropped for now. Instead the piece will be "CUBAN MISSILE TANGO."

My Aunt Joyce died today at 3 pm after a long period of illness. My Aunt Patty said she looked peaceful.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I was telling Margaret Lehman 0n the phone about my Lorca "experience." She started talking about a play by him called "Blood Wedding." She suggested that we read it aloud together. Soon after, I was at my friend Thea's house and she had a copy of the play, which she lent me. She also had a copy of an oldish movie titled "The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca." Andy Garcia plays Federico & it also features Edward James Olmos, one of my favorites. The film is based on a biography by Ian Gibson. I'm going to look for it--I had the feeling that the movie, like most biopics, suffered from Hollywoodization. I still enjoyed it. The film included a deeply moving poem by Lorca, "Lament for Igancio Sanchez Mejias."

Monday, June 1, 2009

Bad movie makes good.

I went to see "Little Ashes" yesterday, even though it's reviews have been almost unanimously bad. The criticisms have largely centered on the performance of Robert Pattinson. of Twilight fame, as Salvador Dali. It was in fact not possible to take him seriously in the role. But I don't think it was his fault. I blame it on the director and possibly the stylists for making him look ridiculous (even though Dali did too). The story itself is compelling, especially regarding the life of Federico Garcia Lorca. Javier Beltran was quite good in the role. And the weirdest thing happened to me. At one point Lorca was standing on a building thinking of jumping. And later, of course, he is killed. I only say "of course" now, because I knew almost nothing about him before seeing this film. But at both moments, and especially when he dies, I felt ripped apart. I was so upset that I thought I might have to leave the theater. Now, when I see his name, I have something of the same feeling. What is it? A strange resonance? Emotions from a previous life?

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