Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Last night I auditioned for the part of George in Christopher Durang's one act, The Actor's Nightmare. I am a Durang fan, and have worked on a monologue from the play. The audition was in Milwaukie, Oregon, near where my friend Thea lives. I only found out about it late the night before, and I didn't really have any time to prepare. I decided to go to the audition anyway, if nothing else than to get back into the swing of things. It was a cold reading for me, and I felt pretty cold indeed, at least in the beginning. I warmed up a bit towards the middle. I was the only one who showed up to audition last night, but I'm told they had a crowd the night before. At the conclusion of the audition, I got the vibe that the director already had in mind who she wanted to cast--someone from the better attended previous night.

I have another audtion next week, but I'm not going to write anything about it yet. I have in mind how I want to prepare for it and what I want to do. More on that later.

I have been to the gym once this week and swam once. My goal is to double that by the end of the week.

Tomorrow I will go shopping at goodwill for some additons to my outfit/costume for next week's audition.

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