Friday, January 23, 2009


Getting ready to leave Astoria. I had an excellent fish and chips dinner last night at the Silver Salmon Grill over on Commercial St. Then I headed up to the Fort George Brewery to catch the Sandman show. The brewery is nice, hip, and has great beer. It was great to see Sandman's live act too. As I once wrote, his is a unique artistry. He is also an accomplished entertainer. I remember reading something about him where the writer was comparing him to Woody Guthrie. I got that same feeling seeing him in person. Got me 5 Sandman pillowcases--2 are for me and 3 are for gifts. I also enjoyed the 1st act, Woke up Wrong. Their first few songs reminded me of Greg Sage and the Wipers. They seemed pleased when I told them this, as they were familiar with the Wipers' music.

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