Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sick Day

Scratchy throat today. I actually woke up in the middle of the night with my throat bothering me. I got up and took some "Wellness Formula" pills that usually keep me from getting a cold if I take them soon enough. I feel a bit feverish as well, but not to much. One doesn't like to be sick during this season of the swine flu. Hopefully, I'll feel better tomorrow. If I feel any worse, I'll go to a doctor for sure--now that I have health insurance that gives me 6 deductible exempt office visits per year. I stayed home today and slept a lot. I was supposed to go out to my parents' today, but didn't want to risk giving whatever I've got to them.


Lisa said...

I sure do hope it isn't the swine flu. But now I understand the symptoms of that aren't as severe as they'd originally thought. Still, the flu is the flu. We are crossing our fingers that no one in school gets it, which could call for drastic measures that nobody needs five weeks until summer break. Yikes.

Any play productions coming up for you?

Lisa said...
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