Friday, April 17, 2009

This Week Blues

This has been a most unproductive week! I'm supposed to have been working on a new study book but have been fiercely procrastinating. My night owlish ways have returned and I've found myself staying up and sleeping in a little later each day. I think this is related to the fact that I'm not in a play any more or yet, and the trip to New Orleans is passed. Some days I've heard an internal voice whispering to me "I'm depressed," or "I'm a little depressed." Occasionally, I answer back, "Who's depressed?" or "Who's saying that?" I heard someone say that that is one step in conquering such self-defeating messages. This week I did manage to call several friends that I've neglected lately. I also sent a proposal to the directors of a theater about possibly conducting some workshops there--their response was encouraging. So things are looking up a little, though I'll have to work extra hard on the book stuff next week.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I have a little voice inside, too. Recently it was hollering at me, "Are you anxious?!" And I answered yes, and got some help, and truly I am feeling quite a bit better.

It is good to listen, I think.

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